On-Page Optimization Tricks That Boost Your Webpage Rankings
Although good on-page optimization is something you'll really want to do, it is not how you make dramatic changes in your search engine ranking! Many believe that by getting your keyword density just right, you'll really move up in the search engines. That is really a misconception. It is the off-page optimization factors that will get you high rankings. The first thing you need to do is select a page title for your website. The page title should include only your main keywords. The least amount of words you can place in the title, the more weight Google will give each of the keywords and the higher you will rank. Your title should not contain an unnecessary number of words such as “and.” Lets say you are selling aquarium products. Our keywords are going to be aquarium supply and reef supply. A perfect title for your webpage would be Aquarium Supply | Reef Supply. Replace "and" with a "|" character and always combine your keyword when possible to cut down on the total number of words that are in your title. When Google looks at your title it will only see all your keywords. Combining keywords to cut down on the total number of words displayed in the title is a great way to boost the strength of each individual keyword, which will have an immediate impact on your ranking. "h1" header tags Next we'll add 1 "h1" header tag and place our most important keyword there. The "h1" header tag should be as far towards the top of the page as possible. When Google reads a webpage, it views the text from the top left hand side of the page to the bottom right hand side of the page. So, it's best to place your "h1" header tag on the top left hand or top/middle portion of your page. You can think of an "h1" header tag as a title for whatever content you have on your page. For example, the "h1" header tag of this lesson would be: aquarium supply. These are keywords we should target to begin with. Once we have our list of 3 to 4 keywords, we need to go to Google and check out the competition to see exactly how hard it will be to optimize for the specified keyword. "h2" header tags Next create an "h2" header tag. This can be thought of as a sub heading for our webpage. You should place your 2nd most important keyword in the "h2" header tag. The "h2" tag should be placed somewhere towards the top half of your webpage. A good "h2" header tag for our example would be: "h2"reef supply"h2" (Usually it's best to place your primary keyword in your "h1" tags and your secondary keyword into the "h2" tags). After we've done this, you need to actually create the content for your webpage. When writing content, evenly distribute your main keywords throughout the copy, but don’t overdo it. Try to mention each keyword in a natural way as you are writing, but be sure to include at least one of your keywords every 1-2 paragraphs, depending on your page size. Make sure to mention your main keyword at the very top left and the very bottom right hand side of your webpage. A good way to do this to is to include this in the copyright information line at the bottom of the website. Bolding, italicizing and underlining... Once we've finished writing our copy, we should go through and bold, underline, or italicize some of the keywords. Do this no more than once each. If you do more than this, it will hurt you more than it helps. Properly include "alt" image tags... Next, click on the very top image of your webpage (This is usually your website's header graphic) and include an "alt" image tag using the text "aquarium supply header". Click on 2 more graphics throughout your webpage and enter your other keywords, plus an extra word like "graphic" or "image"... In this example, we would use "reef supply picture graphic". This helps to ensure that Google won't view this as spam.