A Superior Technology to Develop Your Website
In SEO Services Delhi the utility of search engines in web search lies in the fact that they are the repositories of large amounts of information which can be searched very expediently using certain keywords. This natural language searching & many advanced features now available with search engines make the recipe tantalizingly attractive. Hence it is no wonder that 78% of the users start their search process for any information via a search engine. Before we go any further lets clarify the difference between a search engine & a web directory. Search engines as we have learnt are automated software based systems which aid the web search in SEO Services Delhi Consultant. Directories are generally human based indexes in which the web sites are visited & catalogued by human beings. In the directories the web sites are included in the categories & sub categories. These categories or taxonomies are specific to specific directories. Users can search for relevant sites in a directory by either mining on the subject they are looking for or searching through keywords. The most famous commercial directory is Yahoo. There are hundreds of directories available. We will be discussing them later. A point to note here is that most of the SEO Services Delhi Consultant e-Fuzion has now started to mix their web results with some kind of directory results. Though there is a category of SEO Services Delhi Consultant is not crawler based. They accept money to list your web site. These paid listings search engines will be dealt in greater detail in subsequent section.