A Technical Process for Web Amplify
With SEO Delhi you get a considerable growth in the number of searches in Google since December 2007, which helped in cementing its position as the top search engine. Google posted 4.8 billion searches in the month of March 2008, which is 25.5% more than the searches done in March 2007. Google posted a considerable growth in the number of searches done in March 2008 over the year, according to the monthly report on search engine shares released. Though there is a slight raise in the number of searches done through Yahoo, there is a clear decline in Yahoo search engine market share when compared to March 2007's performance. MSN performed better when compared to previous month and also over the year, both in the market share and the number of searches in March 2008. Social Bookmark Submission Social Book marking services called: Social Media Optimization or Social Media Marketing. Social networking websites are getting a lot of attention these days including Dig, delicious and My Space. Along SEO Delhi you get the buzz, these sites are also generating a lot of traffic! It’s a fairly new advance in generating qualified web traffic to your site. Social book marking helps to drive quick traffic and to pass PR effect as they are high PR websites. Paid Directory Submissions is today’s search engines are giving more weight to Paid Directory links. In SEO Delhi the reason for this is that these paid directories such as business.com, avivadirectory.com, the open directory and about two dozen other top directories are human edited directories that only allow relevant and quality websites to be submitted. Paid directories are high PR directories and have strong back-links which eventually help your website to climb up in search engine results and pass the PR effect. Paid directories normally take 24-72 hours to approve your links and listing. In SEO services Delhi you get blog submissions as more and more people are getting involved with the internet and as more websites, blogs, news services, and other online resources continue to grow in number and variety it becomes vital for all websites and blog owners to maintain high visibility and exposure for the content being generated by closely following the major distribution media. Blog submissions will bring traffic to your website, boost your PR, and give your website the prestige it needs to rank high in the search engines.